While the product is being build, I was thinking about the name; Mbassador. If doesn’t feel right anymore!
Ever since the concept changed from ‘Support each other in achieving ambitions’ into ‘Evernote for feelings, thoughts and precious moments’ the name doesn’t make sense to me anymore.
I still like Mbassador. It’s a strong name. It is unique. I have a cool logo. And it is perfect for the old concept. Also, Mbassador is more than a product name. It stands for the company. The startup. Finding my own path. So it’s much more than a product name to me.
But it isn’t that difficult for me to move forward. It’s one of the basics of innovation and bootstrapping in general. You start with something. Test it. Rethink, and come up with better solutions. Implement the improvements and keep them coming. So why not do the same for the name/brand, right?
Funny fact that Martijn had the same feeling during hist Holiday in France. So, we started to come up with new names over a weekend.
First I tried to come up with namens with an M. So we can re-use the current logo. Is that cheap startup thinking or what! Names like: Momently, Momentr, Memorably… they were oké, but no wow feeling yet.
Than we both tried other words that suit the concept… Martijn came up with words like: Path, Ride, Waves. We both liked the word waves. But of course Waves is a generic word and no domain names available (other than $50.000,- domains).
At one moment I was checking out Mindly as a possible name, and the two words came together in my mind:
Bingo. That sounds good. That’s the wow feeling we’re looking for. This is why we both love Mindwaves atm?
– It starts strong with minds and than flows away.
– It only contains of 2 syllables.
– It is a unique combination, so no competition.
– Some domains are available.
– It gives people an idea what te product is about.
– Mind stands for your mind, being mindful.
– Waves stand for thoughts come and go. Mindfulness comes and goes. People are probably going to use the product in waves, thats ok. Waves will always be there…so is the product: longterm usage.
– It is brandable.
– It could be a synonym for brainwaves.
– etc.
The name Mindwaves is growing on us. So probably this is going to be the new name. Awesome! Time to collect this moment in Mindwaves! ?