The Purpose Leadership Journal is a project by The School for Purpose Leadership and Mindwave to guide people who want to work on their (personal) leadership in 2020.
It’s like having a guided journal. The best of two worlds: a Mindwave subscription + inspiring content, questions, and challenges in your mailbox every two weeks.
How it works
Every two weeks, you’ll get an email from the School for Purpose Leadership with new questions, texts, inspiring stories, and lessons from other Purpose Leaders. By reflecting on that for yourself, you get a better idea of the ‘why and how’ of your purpose leadership.
Some examples to get a rough idea:
- Tower of Babel by Jeff Hoye, Managing director CPS Consulting
- Decision making. by Piero Gandini, Strategic Consultant & Motivator of Change
- Courage: dare to share. by Dorien Trommel, Dorien Trommel Coaching
There is no obligation, no time pressure, no fill-in forms, no standard route. It’s your journal. You decide the pace and it’s contents. Whether you look back and think ahead, or think back and imagine ahead. Reflecting, thinking, and writing is all up to you.
You write and collect your stories in Mindwave and have the opportunity to share your journal with other participants (optional). At the same time, you can follow other participants in their leadership journey too.
How to sign up?
Sign up and more info about the Purpose Leadership Journal here. You also need a Mindwave subscription if you haven’t already.
To celebrate this new collaboration, we got a nice discount for all the participants. Check the Sign-up page for more info.
About the School of Purpose Leadership
The School of Purpose Leadership is an initiative by Ron van Es (Speaker, Writer, Founder) to start a ‘Klooserorde’ (sorry, Dutch word). It’s a dedicated group of purpose leaders all on their path, looking for their holy grail, working, meeting, and collaborating.