The new pricing page ís my product roadmap

Over the last weeks, I’ve been working on visualizing the future of Mindwave and trying to create clarity, focus, and direction for product development. I’m not even sure where and how it all came together. But at one point, I decided to design the futures plans & pricing page.

Which plans do I see for the future? What are the features we (probably) need? What choices do we need to make? 

After designing the plans, I suddenly realized this ís my product roadmap

A glimpse into the future

Here’s the first version of the plans & pricing page.

Of course, everything is subject to change. I still have to validate some assumptions here. On the other hand, following my gut feeling and just giving things a try is also very important. Especially if some changes aren’t that difficult to implement (and test for real) anyway. So, let people validate with their wallets.

Some important choices, visualized

  • The Teams plan is a first step in creating an ultimate B2B solution.
  • Founders & makers as my (starting) niche, but I’m going to expand a little here and target startup teams and other entrepreneurial people as well. 
  • No 5-year plan anymore, but a decent discount for yearly payments (17%, two months free).
  • Treat the free plan as a way to discovery Mindwave, without credit card, and let satisfied users upgrade to a paid plan. Also, I downgraded the trial period from 30-days to 7-days. 

We still got a lot of work in progress (like Personalization & the North Star). After that, the next releases will be determined by this plans & pricing page: the product roadmap of Mindwave. 

First feedback and updated version

I’ve been sharing the new Plans & Pricing page in the Mindwave Telegram Group (ping me for access) and in WIP is a community of makers building & shipping together. A great place to get feedback on Work in Progress. With a special thanks to @rikschennink, for inspiring me with a different format, I made this improved version. Talking about clarity… 

Bonus: team journaling

Ok, the next page has nothing to do with the actual plans & pricing page. But it’s a great visualization of what ‘Teams’ could look like. So I’m happy to share and document it here.